Ease into Sleep with A Soothing Routine

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Shared Storytime:
    Read Gugu and Penfin Sleep with your child to nurture a sense of connection and security.

  2. Change to Audio:
    Place the book aside (ending visual stimulation) and activate the audio version of the story on a speaker, then slip out of the room and make a cup of tea.

  3. Find Tranquility:
    Check on your child 20 minutes later and find them sleeping peacefully.

why it works:

  • Bonding: Reading once with your child establishes feelings of closeness and security.

  • Calming: Soft sounds and reassuring messages promote relaxation.

  • Soothing: Lullaby-like music lulls little minds to dreamland.

  • Repeating: The audiobook delivers an uninterrupted 20-minute experience.

  • Cueing: The more you use the 3-step routine, the more quickly your child will fall asleep.


“Gugu and Penfin sleep” is:

★ a helping hand for parents struggling to get their kids to sleep
★ a soothing bedtime experience for young children
★ a perfect gift for new parents and design lovers

product Details:

・24-page board book with rounded corners
・Size: 187 x 150mm
・High quality print with a smooth matte finish
・Includes a QR code to the audiobook narrated by the author
・Printed in Japan